清华大学公共管理学院副教授,公共政策所副所长,中国清华大学科技政策研究中心副主任。戴亦欣2007年获得美国锡拉丘兹大学公共管理博士学位, 2006年至2007年在南伊利诺伊州大学爱德华兹威尔分校任讲师。同年底回到清华大学任教至今。主要研究方向为创新治理与公共政策研究,在低碳技术创新、开放式创新和政策执行领域从事深入研究。曾获北京市科委“优秀人才培养计划”支持。
戴亦欣主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、清华大学自主科研项目等10项基础性研究课题,并参与“973”、科技部专项基金等研究。成果发表在《中国人口·资源环境》、《中国软科学》、《科学学研究》、《城市发展研究》、《哈佛商业评论(中文)》、Climate Policy、Journal of Public Policy Analysis and Management等杂志,是《公共管理评论》、“Journal of Technology Transfer”, “Public Budget & Finance” , “Science and Public Policy”多家学术期刊的匿名评审专家。
1.Dai, Y., Xue, L. 2015. China’s policy initiatives for the development of wind energy technology. Climate Policy, 15(1): 30-57. (SSCI)
2.Dai, Y., Xue, L. 2009, University technology transfer and commercialization in China: Using Tsinghua University as a case. Chapter 9 in Wang P. (Ed) Academic Entrepreneurship in Asia: The Role and Impact of Universities in National Innovation Systems. 2011. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK. 223-253.
3.Dai, Y., Popp, D., Bretschneider, S. 2005, Institutional Influential Factors on the University Research Outcome Develop, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 24(3): 579-598. (SSCI)
4.Dai, Y., Zhou, Y., Xia, D., Ding, M., Xue, L. 2014. Innovation path of the Chinese wind power industry. German Institute of Development (DIE) discussion paper, 2014(32).
5.Dai, Y. Who drives climate-relevant policy implementation in China? Institute of Development Studies (IDS) Evidence Report series number 134, http://www.ids.ac.uk/publication/who-drives-climate-relevant-policy-implementation-in-china.
1.戴亦欣,胡赛全.开放式创新对创新政策的影响——基于创新范式的视角.科学学研究. 2014. 32(11): 1723-1731.
2.戴亦欣,羊光波.政府微博技术与公共服务特性的匹配研究——以广东省政法微博为例.电子政务. 2014. 133: 54-65.
3.戴亦欣,唐恬.基于政策评估理论构建我国立法后评估框架.公共管理评论. 2012. 12:3-13.
4.戴亦欣.低碳技术推广促进过程中的公众认知模型构建.现代城市研究. 2011(8):7-14.
5.戴亦欣,王雯雯,刘志林,齐晔.低碳城市治理中国的领导力模型分析.现代城市研究, 2010( 8):7-14.
7.戴亦欣.低碳城市发展的概念沿革与测度初探.现代城市研究. 2009(11):1-7 .
14.戴亦欣,顾淑林.提高创新政策能力,促进能源产业绿色转型——以新能源汽车等产业为例.国情国力. 2013. 250:25-27.
15.戴亦欣.成功众包三要素.哈佛商业评论(中文版). 2013. 4: 99-101.
18.戴亦欣.评《城市与气候变化:城市可持续性与全球环境治理》.城市与区域规划研究,2010, 3(2) .
4.戴亦欣.美国(日本)高校国际科技合作与交流的现状与趋势[A] .薛澜等(主编).《中国高等学校国际科技合作与交流战略研究》[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2007:35-47,63-78.
1.2014.6 – 2015. 6科技部委托课题“科技体制改革重大问题研究”,180万元
2.2011.1 – 2013.12德国发展研究院“适应气候变化中的技术飞跃:欧洲、中国、印度比较”,14.5万欧元
3.2011.1 –2011. 12产业发展与环境治理研究中心(CIDEG) “地方政府的新能源技术选择的社会认知研究”,10万元
4.2012. 1 – 2014.12自然科学基金“基于不确定性技术选择中的决策者认知研究——以低碳发电技术选择决策为例”,21万元
5.2010.9 - 2011.9清华大学自主科研计划“低碳技术选择的政策过程与社会认知研究”,5万元
6.2010.6 - 2011.6明尼苏达大学研究资助“可再生能源技术发展中的公众认知研究”,1万美金
7.2009.10 – 2010.10北京市科委优秀人才培养计划“北京市高科技创业企业产学研合作促进企业自主创新能力研究”
8.2008.7 – 2009.7清华大学低碳经济研究院“低碳经济发展的决策与激励——地方政府行为分析”,2万元
9.2008.6 – 2011.2科技部政策体制改革司委托课题“中国政府推进产学研合作政策的研究”,20万元
1.Dai, Y., Zhang, M. “What contributes to the public perception towards nuclear energy in China: Knowledge and/or Trust? ”, Biannual Public Management Research Association Conference, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, June, 2015.
2.Dai, Y., Nordensvard, J. “Governance, Path Dependency and Wind Energy Development-- Cases from Germany and China”, Our Common Future under Climate Change Conference, Paris, July, 2015.
3.胡赛全 戴亦欣, “众包模式风险产生与控制理论建构——基于译言翻译项目的案例研究”,第十届中国青年创新论坛,上海,2015年8月.
4.Dai, Y. “Local government’s selection model over electricity generation technology: A case from China”,第十届两岸四地公共管理学术研讨会,天津,2014年5月.
5.Dai, Y. “A political economic analysis over the climate policy implementation -- A case from Chinese wind energy development”, Second Biennial Conference of the Global Research Forum on Sustainable Production and Consumption (GRF-SPaC), Fudan University, Shanghai, July, 2014.
6.Dai, Y., Xu, Z., Yang, M., Bretschneider, B., “A Preliminary Theory of Governmental-pushed Technology Adoption – A case of social media technology from China”, Public Management Research Conference (PMRC 2012), Shanghai, May, 2012.
7.Dai, Y., “Local Government's Selection Model over Electricity Generation Technology”, Asian Center Energy Program annual Energy Forum, Beijing, June, 2012.
8.Dai, Y., “What does “green selection” mean? – Perceptions of energy innovation selection at local level in China”, The 3rd International Conference on Public Policy & Management. Beijing, Oct. 2011.
9.Dai, Y., “What does “green selection” mean? – Perceptions of energy innovation selection at local level in China”, Annual Meeting of Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM 2011), Washington DC, Nov. 2011.
10.Dai, Y., “What does “green” mean? – Perceptions towards energy innovation in China”, Annual Meeting of Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM 2010), Boston, Nov. 2010.
11.Tang, T., Liu, Z., Dai, Y., “Impacts of National Energy Saving Policies: Evidence from Firm-Level Panel Data in Baoding, Hebei Province”, Annual Meeting of Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM 2010), Boston, Nov. 2010.
12.Dai, Y., “Economic Development or Green House Gas Emission? – Exploring the motivation of developing the low carbon city in Baoding”, the Fifth Cross-Strait Conference on Public Administration (CSCPA 2009), Hong Kong, Aug., 2009.
13.Dai, Y., Qi, Y., “Environment and Development in China: from a public policy perspective” - Course design and teaching experience to introduce Chinese environmental policy to the world”, Environmental Policy: A Multinational Conference on Policy Analysis and Teaching Methods (APPAM International Conference Collaborated with KDI School of Public Policy and Management). Seoul, June, 2009.
14.Dai, Y., “Economic Development and/or Green House Gas reduction – analyzing low-carbon governance at local level”, Annual Meeting of Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM 2009), Washington, DC, Nov. 2009.
15.Dai, Y., “Government’s role in Fostering Effective University-Industry Collaboration”, Annual Meeting of Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM 2008), Los Angeles, Nov. 2008.