Administrative Burden in Research Policy and Administration: The Role of "Robotic" Bureaucracy
主讲人: Dr. Barry Bozeman
Regent Professor at Arizona State University
Distinguished Visiting Professor of Tsinghua University
Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
主持人: Dr.Zheng Liang
Professor, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University
Deputy Director, China Institute for Science and Technology Policy at Tsinghua University
Dr.Yixin Dai Associate Professor, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua UniversityDeputy Director, China Institute for Science and Technology Policy at Tsinghua University
Dr.Wei Zhong Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University
时间:14:00-16:00, June 11th 2019 (Tuesday)
地点:Room 302, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University
Based on research from the Dr. Bozeman's recent National Science Foundation grant, his research focuses on the reasons for increased regulations and administrative burden for university researchers. While many factors explain increased administrative burden and red tape, he gives particular attention to the role of automated systems whereby there is diminished communication between the researchers and research administrators. This work is a pioneering study of automated administrative compliance directives ("robotic email") and shows a clear burden shift from administrators to researchers. He discusses possible reforms.
Barry Bozeman是亚利桑那州立大学公共管理和技术政策杰出校董教授,清华大学杰出访问教授。他曾担任美国多家联邦和州机构的顾问,访问并帮助南非共和国,加拿大,新西兰,法国,以色列,智利和阿根廷等设计和评估国家创新体系,是美国科学促进会会士,国家公共行政学院院士,法国科学院院士。
Barry Bozeman教授的研究覆盖公共管理,组织理论和科学技术政策等领域,获得了美国多家国立科研机构和基金会的支持。他出版并编辑了17本书,论文发表在美国公共政策和公共管理领域的所有重要期刊上,很多知名期刊对其研究都有总结。Barry Bozeman教授还获得了包括美国公共行政学会、国家公共事务和行政学院协会的Charles Levine纪念奖,美国政治学协会的赫伯特西蒙奖以及公共管理研究协会的H. George Frederickson奖。