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发布时间:2017-03-23 17:31:31 作者:cistp 来源:本站原创 浏览次数:
主题:How Ethically Aligned Design Advances Technology for Humanity
主讲人:Ing. Konstantinos Karachalios 博士
主持人:薛  澜   教授
         王  平   研究员 ,中国标准化研究院原副总工程师
         张维华   博士 ,  闪联(IGRS)信息产业联盟副秘书长,闪联信息技术工程中心有限公司标准总监
         张  佐   研究员,清华大学自动化系,中国人工智能学会理事
         王亮迪   博士,IEEE标准协会高级顾问,《Ethically Aligned Design》起草委员会委员
         贺  佳   今日头条智库执行总监
         程明霞   腾讯研究院助理院长
         王石峰   百度自动驾驶事业部高级产品经理

The aim of the lecture is to present IEEE’s recent activities in the field of AI Ethics, including possibilities for involvement by interested students and scientists from China.
Advancing Technology for Humanity is IEEE’s engaging and purposeful tagline. However, since advancing technology can be done for many purposes not necessarily for the benefit of the entire humanity, the little word “for” has – again and again - to be given specific meaning and put in action. In the case of AI, it is only by defining the deep ethical considerations that we can best align with people’s values. To help in this process of societal definition, the IEEE Standards Association launched The IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems in April of 2016.
It was tasked with two primary deliverables.  The first was the creation of Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Wellbeing with Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems. Along with creating and evolving Ethically Aligned Design, members of The IEEE Global Initiative are encouraged as their second deliverable to recommend Standardization Projects to IEEE-SA based on their work. 

Dr. Ing.Konstantinos Karachalios is Managing Director of the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) and a member of the IEEE Management Council. He is a globally recognized leader in standards development and intellectual property.
As managing director of IEEE-SA, he has been enhancing IEEE efforts in global standards development in strategic emerging technology fields. As member of the IEEE Management Council, he championed expansion of IEEE influence in key techno-political areas, including consideration of social and ethical implications of technology, according to the IEEE mission to advance technology for humanity. 
Konstantinos earned a Ph.D. in energy engineering (nuclear reactor safety) and masters in mechanical engineering from the University of Stuttgart.
